Monday, March 24, 2008

a varying range of juxtapositions will be capitalized to create diverse spatial, emotional and tactile effects which will produce specific affects

affect will be created through the contrasting of moments:
light – dark
ornate – austere
visible – concealed
comfortable – uncomfortable
moments of intimacy will be polarized by collective shared space as a means to promote feelings of isolation within a monumental space
individual perception will be distorted as the architecture will blur what is real and illusory , like the use of false perspective in santa maria presso san satrio
this will be done through a manipulation of surface, space, light, sound, and air to produce a contrast of intense emotional and physical reaction through spatial interaction
while creating harsh juxtapositions between space, the line dividing is sometimes blurred, allowing for an unconscious transition
to generate this variation I pulled from the past:
Sedlec Ossuary’s deep seeded connection to place through ornament. while excessive and opulent ornament is embedded with intense imagery of the past
Santa Maria Presso San Satiro uses false perspective to shift perceptions of spatial reality
the small labyrinth like conditions of st. basil in moscow is in contrast to the monolithic western cathedral , allowing for a more intimate connection to place.
the architectural language of the basilica of the vierzehnheiligen weaves architecture, sculpture, and painting - blurring the transition from one art form to another.

separate, singular moments joined together through the layering of many skins which is traditional of the iconic church. however, in this situation this is no main space designed, but the main space is rather an accumulation of the left over dead space which is then reidentified as a main spaces. the main space of worship becomes the accumulation of forgotten space.

ultimately the architecture will be an open space with moments of intense intimacy. the intimate labyrinth like quality found within St Basils will be utilized to intensify the movement of the individual though a collection of spaces.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Lindsey -specifically, look into expanding the slab system, allow the stitch cell to develop a logic of rhythmic intensity. the scale is too even at this point, density (and the lack of) is key for releasing the systems full architectural potential. WHERE IS THE BLOOD. when the slab cell is penetrated, infected, scared, macerated, there must be blood. a bleed of qualities, and transfer of color, and exchange of life force. One last thing, quickly go through the statement posted on the blog and rework areas of passive voice. make it more direct, the conceptual terms are good, but follow them up with specific techniques and affects that will help you achieve your goals.