Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Abra Cadaver

From skin to body, body to cavity, and cavity to cadaver; the ideological form of the cathedral undergoes a continuous process of mutation. These reemerging and familiar qualities of flesh are an underlying trait in the cathedral's physiological evolution.

The initial cellular studies look at paring an architectural effect with an architectural element, skin with decoration, body with volume, and cavity with structure; while, embedding the cell with a logic of behavior. The first study looks at how volume can be organically grown; take on characteristics of mutual reaction like two bodies spooning (or more) and continuously dilate between convex and concave forms. The next cell takes on the role of structure, but the organs as structure instead of bones as structure. This forms a continuity of malleable spatial pockets that satisfy structural needs and allow for a fluid space. Its organization mimics rococo ornament as a series of centripetally arranged elements strung together by a sticky web. The last component is the skin as decoration. It looks at ornamentation as a form of scarring that continually shifts and reconfigures itself below the surface waiting to emerge. What is lacking is how this cell can behave porously, finding moments where it can produce tears and dimples.

Affect: grandeur of scale, spatial multiplicity, methodical repetition of parts, continuity of form, an encounter with a familiar, the cathedral.

body_soft body spooning



cavity_structural cells

skin_decoration through scarring

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